House Clearance Stockton South – Teesside

AFTA ForumCategory: House Clearance QuestionsHouse Clearance Stockton South – Teesside
Paul asked 6 years ago


I’m looking to obtain details of a house clearance firm in Stockton South, Teesside.

I am looking to have the house clearance take place around the end of August.

The house has been cleared of most of the furniture and furnishings following a bereavement and is in the first stage of being sold.

The majority of remaining unwanted items are currently stored in the garage, shed, and in storage space in the upstairs rooms.

I would appreciate it if you can please confirm the most reliable house clearance firm.

The team must be able to collect the keys for the house from a solicitor in Stockton South, remove all items and return the keys back to the solicitor.

Many thanks,

Paul O’Donnell

1 Answers
Paul answered 6 years ago

Good Morning Paul,

Last month I had to have my grans house cleared in Stockton South, my partner and I managed to remove a large quantity of the stuff and stored the rest into a double garage and shed.

We hired Northern House Clearance to clear out the garage and shed of the remaining items, we had to have the clearance done pretty quickly due to the house being in the final staged of being sold.

They only required 48 hours notice, so I managed to book the clearance quickly.

The team were very professional and hard-working, it took just under an hour to clear the garage and shed of all furniture, boxes and rubbish.

Hopefully this info helps with what you are looking for.
