House Clearance South Shields quotation for clearing a two-bedroom flat please.

AFTA ForumCategory: House Clearance QuestionsHouse Clearance South Shields quotation for clearing a two-bedroom flat please.
Edward asked 7 years ago

I’d like a recommendation & quotation for clearing a two-bedroom flat in South Shields (10th floor of multi-story)

I need a company that will disconnect the electric cooker and washing machine?

Also, we would like a few pieces of furniture transported to my aunt’s care home, which is about four miles away.

A couple of things to highlight – there is a lift for the flat, but it’s not very big. There are some wardrobes that will need to be dismantled – I’m pretty sure they were built in situ.

We have already removed personal items – photos, clothes etc, so other than the furniture for the care home, everything is to go.

Any trustworthy companies you would recommend operating in the South Shields area would be greatly received. Thank You Edward.

1 Answers
John answered 7 years ago

Hi Edward, last week we used a house clearance company to clear my mams three bedroom flat in South Shields, the flat was on the 5th floor with no lift access. After searching for a reputable company we found ‘Northern House Clearance’.

A team of three turned up to clear the flat at 9am, I was amazed by how quickly they worked to have it cleared. They created a chain to clear the flat due to it being on the 5th floor, with all of the smaller items, one would carry it to the middle floor, then the man on the middle floor would take it to the guy on the bottom floor who would put it on the van. For all of the larger items they would work together to maneuver them down the stairs.

We had had no problems at all having everything in the flat cleared including the washing machine and cooker which had not been disconnected. My sister who lived a few streets over wanted to keep one of the wardrobes and a dressing table, we asked the guys if they wouldn’t mind taking them to her house, they done this without any hassle for us.    Over all they were were an amazing team who made what looked like a difficult job, easy. I would highly recommend, details can be found here Northern House Clearance

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