House Clearance Perth And Kinross

AFTA ForumCategory: House Clearance QuestionsHouse Clearance Perth And Kinross
Craig Law asked 6 years ago


I have my fathers house to clear by the 12th January. It is a 2 bed house with a shed, loft and large double cluttered garage. There may also be some antiques particularly some old furniture, grandfather clock etc.

I am looking for the details of an honest and reliable house clearance service in Perth and Kinross that will clear all the unwanted furniture but also off set the cost against the antique items in the house if possible.

Many thanks Craig

1 Answers
Gary answered 6 years ago

Hi Craig, on the 1st Of September I hired s house clearance company called Scotland House Clearance to assist with the clearance of my late great grans three bedroom farmhouse in Scone.

When acquiring a quote from Scotland House clearance I told them that the house had a large amount of antiques and valuables, they explained their offsetting service to me and I went ahead with their services. A team of three house clearance specialists greeted me at the property at 9am on the day of the clearance, i showed them around the house.

Whilst showing them around the house they pulled out many of the valuable items including furniture, clocks, antiques etc to one side. We discussed and agreed a cost of the valuable items and I ended up only paying a fraction of the cost of the house clearance.

The house clearance specialists asked me if I wanted to keep the items before agreeing a cost, I just wanted the whole house cleared and was glad to have money removed from the final cost. The team proceeded with the clearance of everything else and had the whole house cleared within roughly 4 hours. Scotland House clearance provided an outstanding services throughout. Here is their phone number below. ‭07966 311536‬ you can email them Northern House Clearance

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