House Clearance Egremont – Need Licensed & Insured Company Please

AFTA ForumCategory: House Clearance QuestionsHouse Clearance Egremont – Need Licensed & Insured Company Please
Miriam asked 6 years ago

Hello AFTA I am looking for a an honest house clearance company to quote to clear my mums house. The house is already mostly cleared – just some bulky items- wardrobe, bed, kitchen goods, chair, welsh dresser. Display cabinet and a couple of desks, and smaller items like clothes etc.

House has 5 bedrooms but all bar one are already cleared of beds etc. There is also a granny flat which is also pretty much empty-just small goods.

Address is Egremont

Can you give me the name of a reliable and licensed company please? Miriam

1 Answers
Sally answered 6 years ago

Hi miram, after searching AFTA for a reputable company I came accross Northern House Clearance. My sister moved abroad a few months ago and I had been tasked with clearing her three bedroom bungalow, like you, we only needed the most bulky items removed.

The specialist team from Northern House Clearance provided an outstanding service from start to finish, they managed to sort a few items that they donated to charity and appropriately recycled the rest. My sisters bungalow is also located in Egremont.

All of their details can be found here Northern House Clearance

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