House Clearance Dunkeld

AFTA ForumCategory: House Clearance QuestionsHouse Clearance Dunkeld
Gloria asked 6 years ago


My hoarding mum’s 3 bed terrace house in Dunkeld needs clearing including a car, there is also a garden shed and lean to (half size of 12×8 shed) just used as storage. The loft is quite full of old junk and stuff.

Please can you supply me with the name of a house clearance company that will give a quote. I am looking for a licensed and insured house clearance service only. There is a large number of items that would be suitable for charity donation so it would be nice that the house clearance details you provide do have a donation policy in place.

Many Thanks

1 Answers
Gerry answered 6 years ago

Good afternoon Gloria, a few weeks ago my mum moved into a nursing home, prior to this she was living in a three bedroom house in Kinross for many years, I visited the house to collect a few of her personal belongings to take to he nursing home, I realised that her house was very overly cluttered in almost every room except the lounge, I had to find a reputable house clearance that could clear her house so that it could go on the market to help pay for her care.

I found a company on AFTA called Northern House clearance, I read many reviews where they have dealt with houses such as my mums, I decided to book their services to clear the whole house and have it cleaned afterwards. I met the team at the property at 9am on the day of the clearance, they started right away clearing the lounge first and working there way from the bottom floor to the top.

It took the team two days to completely clear and clean the house as it was floor to ceiling with clutter. Whilst the team were lacking the van for recycling they kept a large amount back that they took to the local charity shops on the day the clearance was finished. Amazing service from an amazing company. All of their details can be found here Northern House Clearance

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