House Clearance Dumfries – Advice Needed

AFTA ForumCategory: House Clearance QuestionsHouse Clearance Dumfries – Advice Needed
Marjory asked 6 years ago

Dear AFTA I need to find a reliable licensed house clearance company to clear a house in Dumfries, during the week beginning 9th November. It is a 3-storey house, but a good deal of the larger furniture, other items and books will be sent to auction, so it will not by any means be the whole contents, probably half at most.

Unfortunately we don’t know exactly how much as we have not been able to gain access to the property since the owner died in July. Most of the small rubbish we will clear ourselves during the week. The house is also very dirty, never modernised, and will need a clean after clearance as it will be put on the market.

Can you help us find a reliable house clearance firm to both clear and clean the house?
Many thanks and kind regards. Marjory

1 Answers
Jade answered 6 years ago

Hi Marjory

Two weeks ago i hired a company called Northern House Clearance, they came highly recommended by many people on AFTA. My Great Aunt passed away leaving me with the task of clearing her house ready to be sold.

After i sold many of her worth belongings i had the Norther House Clearance specialists come in to clear the rest. Most of the items to be cleared were large items of furniture, books, clothing and bedding, the team donated all of the bedding to the local cat and dog shelter, everything else had to be recycled due to the condition.

Once the Northern House Clearance specialists cleared the house they cleaned it afterwards, they gave me an outstanding service throughout and had completed the whole process in one day, i am very relieved and the house is now up for sale.

The house is in Dumfries. Hope this helps.

All of their details can be found here Northern House Clearance

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