House Clearance Carlisle – Partial Clearance Required

AFTA ForumCategory: House Clearance QuestionsHouse Clearance Carlisle – Partial Clearance Required
Craig asked 7 years ago

The house is all but empty as we have been getting rid of large items via charity shops for some weeks now. The scenario we are in now is we are left with a selection of items that we could not get rid of. It is certainly not a full house clearance, I guess a house clearance company would need to see the items to quote me an accurate price but to give you an idea of volume we have:

A single bed and mattress
A glass fronted display cabinet
A wardrobe
Several large fence panels
A garden gate

There are a few smaller furniture items like small side cupboards, and some random planks of wood.

We left some large white goods outside for the rag n bone man to take away, but if they were not taken then we have a fridge, a washing machine and a tumble dryer too.

If AFTA can give me the name of a reliable house clearance service that would be great.

1 Answers
George answered 6 years ago

Hi Craig, last week I used a company called Northern house Clearance to clear my mums two bedroom bungalow in Carlisle.

I too had cleared many of the items myself doing numerous runs to the charity stores, leaving only small furniture and a few beds to be cleared. Once I contacted Northern House Clearance with the details of the bungalow, they did not need to come out to give me a quote, the gave me a good quote via email.

The team that arrived to clear the remaining items were amazing, it took them less than an hour. I also had the bungalow cleaned by the Northern House Clearance cleaning team. I hope this helps with what you are looking for. All of their details can be found here Northern House Clearance

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