Hoarder’s House Clearance Newcastle upon Tyne

AFTA ForumCategory: Cluttered Hoarded House Clearance SpecialistsHoarder’s House Clearance Newcastle upon Tyne
Lisa Simmons asked 6 years ago

Advice required for a cluttered hoarder house clearance specialist in Newcastle upon Tyne. Services needed in the Newcastle upon Tyne area to help declutter clean up and clear a hoarded house. Looking for a licensed and insured hoarding cleaning company only.

Cluttered Hoarded House Clearance Before And After Pics

Minor details have been changed By the Anti Fly Tipping Association staff to protect our users privacy.

Good Afternoon. My gran is a compulsive hoarder and I need to have her three bedroom extremely cluttered and hoarded house cleared in Newcastle upon Tyne by the end of the month.

My gran became ill last week and has been admitted to hospital, we are looking to have her home completely cleared before she comes out.

The house consists of three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, a dining room, a conservatory and a kitchen.

Only one bedroom is accessible as the other two are completely barricaded with heaps of clutter. In the bedroom that is accessible is a double bed, a five piece bedroom furniture suite and roughly 40 stacked boxes of bric-a-brac, clothing, shoes etc.

The bathrooms are both fairly standard with basic bathroom furniture and items.

The living room has a large quantity of big and heavy furniture, including a three-piece electric reclining sofa suite, a large display cabinet, three armchairs, a huge sideboard and an electric single bed and mattress.

The living room is also stacked to knee-height with boxes of clutter, piles of magazines and a large amount of rubbish, there is no floor space visible.

The dining room can’t be accessed either due to the huge amount of rubbish and clutter throughout the hallway that is blocking the door.

The kitchen is extremely cluttered with mountains of food waste, black bags full of rubbish and piles of stacked boxes of what I believe to be unopened food.

The conservatory was used as my grans sewing room, it is full of stacked boxes of wool, haberdashery items, a large sewing machine table, a wicker sofa, a television and about thirty bags of possibly rubbish.

I am sorry that I can’t give a more detailed description of the rooms that are inaccessible, I believe that it will take up to a week to clear.

I need details of a professional and fully licensed house clearance company who operate in Newcastle upon Tyne and specialise in clearing extremely cluttered hoarded houses.

I would prefer a company who can donate to charity and who also recycle.

I believe my gran may also have hidden her jewellery in one of the bedrooms, I would appreciate a company who can locate such valuables and hand them in once found.

Thank you, Lisa.

3 Answers
Claire answered 6 years ago

Good Morning Lisa, At the beginning of the year I had to have my great aunts two bedroom cluttered bungalow and garage cleared in Newcastle upon Tyne.

My aunt had been admitted into hospital, so I arranged the clearance to be carried out whilst she was there.

I found The Cluttered House Clearance Company on AFTA, I booked their services as they only specialise in clearing these types of cluttered and hoarded properties.

A team of three cluttered house clearance specialists arrived at 9am to begin the clearance, I was so embarrassed by how extremely cluttered and dirty my aunts home was, the team were very polite and understanding of my situation and assured me they had seen worse.

The team began clearing my aunts home straight away, donating as much as they could as they went.

The bungalow took two days to completely clear of all furniture, appliances, carpets and mountains of clutter and rubbish.

I can’t believe my aunt had been living in absolute squalor for several years without letting anyone help her, I am so grateful to The Cluttered House Clearance Company for making this emotional situation stress free for me.

My aunt is now out of hospital, we managed to decorate and re-furnish her home for her, she absolutely loves it.

Thank you to the team who managed to find my aunts jewellery and kept aside all her valuables, they are very professional and a very reliable company.

Here are their contact details, Email: clutteredclearances@yahoo.com Tel: 07731383671

The Cluttered House Clearance Company will be able to clear your grans home for you, they provided me with an outstanding service.


Susan answered 6 years ago

Good Morning Lisa, I can confirm with Claire that The Cluttered House Clearance Company are more than capable of carrying out this type of extremely cluttered house.

Last year, I hired The Cluttered House Clearance Company to clear my elderly friends home in Newcastle upon Tyne, the team were very professional throughout the two days that it took to clear the house, and were very sympathetic to my situation.

A professional, fully licensed and insured company who only specialise in clearing extremely cluttered and hoarded houses.

Highly recommended.

AFTA Staff answered 6 years ago

Hiya, hopefully I can add further assistance.

We have a member that is fully licensed with the UK Environment Agency and also fully insured to undertake the clearance of hoarded and cluttered houses.

They cover all UK areas and list costs and prices on their website.

Check our members page here The Cluttered & Hoarded House Clearance Company

Hope this helps Andy (AFTA Staff)

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