Hoarder’s House Clearance Gloucester

AFTA ForumCategory: Cluttered Hoarded House Clearance SpecialistsHoarder’s House Clearance Gloucester
Harry asked 6 years ago

Advice required for a cluttered hoarder house clearance specialist in Gloucester. Services needed in the Gloucester area to help declutter clean up and clear a hoarded house. Looking for a licensed and insured hoarding cleaning company only.

Cluttered Hoarded House Clearance Before And After Pics

Minor details have been changed By the Anti Fly Tipping Association staff to protect our users privacy.

Good Afternoon, I am looking for information on a house clearance company who specialise in clearing extremely cluttered houses.

Both of my parents have recently moved into residential care and I have to have their two bedroom extremely cluttered bungalow cleared in Gloucester by the end of the month ready for their home to be sold.

Both of my parents have been hoarders for many years, buying vast amounts of junk online and from charity shops, it is so bad that the two bedrooms can’t be accessed.

The bungalow is not dirty as such and all the clutter and junk could be donated, unfortunately none of the family members want any of it.

As well as having the house cleared, I need a reliable company to find anything that they think is valuable and keep all personal paperwork and photographs to one side for me.

Can anyone help?

The company must cover the Gloucester area.

Thank you, Harry.

3 Answers
Ashleigh answered 6 years ago

Good Evening Harry. Last month I had to hire a house clearance company to clear my parents three bedroom verminous cluttered house in Gloucester.

Both of my parents passed within a few weeks of each other and I needed the house cleared so that it could be sold.

I did some research on various house clearance companies and one company stood out in particular, The Cluttered House Clearance Company, they only specialise in clearing cluttered and hoarded houses. I visited their website where I read some customer reviews, they all sounded like my parents house.

I booked their services for the following week, I wanted absolutely everything cleared so that the house was a shell, all carpets, appliances, clutter etc.

Both of my parents collected a large amount of junk from charity shops, buying online and even buying from QVC, I believed that everything in the house was junk until the cluttered house clearance specialists found a large amount of jewellery for me as well as £3000 in cash in one of the drawers.

It took four days for the whole house to be cleared, I can’t stress enough at how professional the company and the team were throughout the process.

Four whole van loads of bric-a-brac, clothing and furniture went to local charities in Gloucester and the rest went to recycling.

Here is some information that will help you Tel: 07731383671 Email: clutteredclearances@yahoo.com.

The Cluttered House Clearance Company have made what seemed like a stressful and daunting situation for me super easy, the house is now sold and I can move on.


Gillian answered 6 years ago

Good Morning Harry, I can confirm that The Cluttered House Clearance Company are a highly professional company and only specialise in clearing extremely cluttered houses.

The cluttered house clearance specialists who cleared my grans extremely cluttered house last year were very professional and discreet whilst carrying out the service.

AFTA Staff answered 6 years ago

Hiya, hopefully I can add further assistance.

We have a member that is fully licensed with the UK Environment Agency and also fully insured to undertake the clearance of hoarded and cluttered houses.

They cover all UK areas and list costs and prices on their website.

Check our members page here The Cluttered & Hoarded House Clearance Company

Hope this helps Andy (AFTA Staff)

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